Wellness Starts with "I Can, and I Will"
Nudge Your Body in the Right Direction By Affirming "Today, I Can and I Will"

Making Progress with Your New Year, New You?

We often use the first month of a new year to resolve to better our wellness for the coming year.  Does this describe you?

With what's been going on lately (you might have noticed?), 2022 might be the perfect time to begin living your life with new purpose. 

A New Year, New You might be better achieved by setting deliberate intentions for these changing times. 

Would you like to take a closer look at your physical, mental, and emotional wellness this year?


Adopting a Better Practice for a Better You

Here are a few practices you can explore adding to your day.  These will help you to get grounded in your body.

Ritual of Drinking Tea

Explore a refreshing pause with a ritual of drinking tea. Check out our article on bringing balance with 7 Herbal Teas for getting yourself even better in the coming months. 

Being deliberate to adopt at least one new daily habit might be easier now with the rapid cultural shifts happening.  Times are a-changing.  Take advantage of it!  

Another practice to help you on the road to a Better You is this easy intro to Breath-work

What’s this “Breath Work” you speak of?

If you’ve never really “done” any breathwork and yet you find that sometimes; 

  1. You’ve been holding your breath and didn’t realize it
  2. Your shoulders/calves/forearms are often sore and you don’t know why
  3. You feel your thoughts spinning around like tops with no real grip on them or like you can’t ‘feel your feet’?

Com’on in for a quick tutorial!

Breath Work is just “breathing with intention”, as a vehicle for reconnecting with yourself or slowing things down a bit. The Box Breath exercise is a great place to start. Imagine a 4 sided box, which you’re going to simply count your way around. 

Same count for each side:  Along the first side, you’ll inhale, say, for example, 4 breath counts. Next side you’ll hold 4 counts. 3rd side, exhale, same 4 counts. Lastly, hold, again same 4 counts. Repeat 3-4 times. Feel your feet again.

Adding an Easy Routine to Your Wellness Practice

Perhaps you’re setting your sights on your physical state, maybe getting started on a new fitness routine, or honing the path you’re already on.

How's Your Body Doing? Really.  No, Really!

Whether you’re the kind of person who makes resolutions for the coming year or prefers to remain dormant until spring, many of us look to the first month of a new year as a period to explore and assess our vitality and overall wellness. True to our mission of advocacy for empowered personal health, Canary Club has got your back!

Are you taking a closer look at the state of your fitness this New Year? By fitness, we mean overall wellness.  Are you ready to tackle your emotional, mental, and physical wellness this year?

Have you recently just started, or about to?  Would you like to have a starting-point baseline to measure your progress better? Maybe you have an established wellness practice and looking for greater results or ways to overcome a plateau. If any of these speak to you, having insightful tools can make all the difference.

ZRT Wellness Metrics Hormone ProfileWellness Metrics Profile  - A great starting place for overall health assessment, giving you a clear baseline. The Wellness Metrics Kit tests for imbalances that contribute to changes in mood, energy, libido, increased body fat, food/sugar cravings, and increased risk for cardiometabolic disease. Includes blood spot: TSH, D2, D3, In, HbA1c; saliva: E2, Pg, T, DHEA(S), Diurnal 4x Cortisol.






Have questions on a specific test? Hit the link to the individual test and once in the listing on the Canary Club website, scroll down to below the “add-ons” section and hit the “Ask Question” button to directly send us your question in a handy, pre-set form.

Your Hormone Management Testing Plan

  • Step 1:  Start by selecting ZRT Wellness Metrics Profile, for just starting to look at getting well.
  • Step 2:  Take the test to establish the starting hormone baseline at the onset of your plan.  Consider developing your plan alongside:
    • a licensed health care provider for medical conditions, especially for severe "out of normal range" results
    • or a health care coach for nutrition and supplements that will support your results
    • Consider working with a fitness trainer or healthcare professional to create a training plan suited to your needs, goals, and body.
    • Make sure to support your performance with a healthy eating plan.
  • Step 3:  Develop a plan based on your lab test results, establishing a one-year or more outlook.
    • Be diligent to address the risk factors you can, such as work stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep.
    • Keep logs of your intakes, and daily routines related to your hormone test results.
  • Step 4:  Actively work on your plan, take the same test again, on the basis of your competitive events schedule, or take a smaller panel that tests specific areas of concern to determine your progress.
  • We are honored to be your go-to source for approachable, cost-effective at-home tools to aid you on your journey to better understanding your health.  Let’s keep the conversation going! 

    Let us know what’s working for you and where you could use more support, we’re on this road together. 

    From all of us at the Canary Club, we celebrate with you; 

    Cheers!! To a year full of Confidence in your Health and Vitality!


Setting up a Health Balance Coach Fullscript for obtaining supplements at a discount

Do you buy supplements?  Act now and get an automatic 15% discount on over 20,000+ health products.

Canary Club has recently partnered with Health Balance Coach to offer you professional-grade supplements. 

To gain access to professional-grade supplements, create your account with Health Balance Coach (HBC) at Fullscript.