Vital Nutrients: The Importance of Essential Elements and the Dangers of Toxic Metals
Essential Elements and Toxic Metals: A Critical Role in Supporting Thyroid Health

Hormone Imbalance in the Modern Era: Is Your Lifestyle Affecting Your Hormones?

In today's world, we have access to an incredible array of modern technology and conveniences that make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

However, it's important to remember that many of the products we use on a daily basis can contain harmful substances that may negatively impact our thyroid health. Additionally, our diets consist of fast and processed foods, which may not provide us with the essential nutrients necessary to maintain good health.


To safeguard our health, it's important to stay mindful of the toxins we're exposed to in our daily lives and take steps to minimize our exposure. This might involve monitoring our hormone levels, paying attention to how our bodies respond to certain foods and environmental factors, and making an effort to incorporate more whole, nutrient-dense foods into our diets.

There are several ways we can be exposed to toxic elements. For example, we may consume contaminated meats, vegetables, fruits, and grains imported from foreign countries that use uncontrolled pesticides. Additionally, exposure to heavy metals can occur through drinking contaminated groundwater or inhaling cigarette smoke. Even common household items like batteries can be a source of exposure.

By taking a proactive approach to our health and well-being, we can live life to the fullest and enjoy the many benefits of modern living.

ZRT Comprehensive Thyroid and Elements Profile

ZRT Comprehensive Thyroid & Essentials Elements Profile

Why Does Iodine matter?

35% of the world suffers from iodine deficiency. Iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.  A deficiency may contribute to hypothyroidism, pregnancy complications, and decreased IQ in children. 

There will always be limitations to detecting iodine over 24 hr or multiple single-point tests (as provided by ZRT) because iodine levels can change somewhat from day to day depending on diet. Overall, if the diet remains about the same, levels shouldn’t fluctuate too much. With this caveat, ZRT went one step beyond iodine and developed dried blood spot tests that look at how well iodine is incorporated into the thyroid gland and how it is utilized for thyroid hormone synthesis. ZRT developed thyroid tests in dried blood spot that measure the following analytes associated with iodine: thyroglobulin, total T4, free T4, free T3, TSH, and TPO. Each of these analytes is uniquely associated with iodine.

Essential elements are abundant and only healthy when they are within optimal ranges. Iodine is paramount among these, but other important elements that include copper, magnesium, selenium, and zinc are critical for enzymes that synthesize neurotransmitters and activate hormones. Toxic Elements can increase our risk of developing conditions such as dementia, diabetes, and cancer and are also known to cause damage to the liver, kidneys, and brain. 

ZRT heavy metals and essential elements testing provides the most accurate results. Using ICP-MS, the gold standard for element analysis allows for high specificity and sensitivity in the parts-per-trillion.

We’re confident that if you’ve been on this journey with us over these past months you’re feeling more in tune with your body. We’re also 100% sure that guidance along the way is imperative—especially if hormone testing is entirely new territory and if you are working with any pre-existing/chronic ailments.

If you aren’t already working with a practitioner, have a look at our Coaches page for additional information and resources.

Your Hormone Management Testing Plan

  • Step 1:  Start by selecting and ordering your desired test(s). You will receive an at-home testing kit that fits your unique concerns and needs. No prescription or visit to the doctor’s office is required. Your test kit is delivered directly to your front door.

  • Step 2:  Take the test to establish the starting hormone baseline at the beginning of your plan.  Consider developing your plan alongside:
    • a licensed health care provider for medical conditions, especially for severe "out of normal range" results
    • or a Health Care Coach for nutrition and supplements that will support your desired results

  • Step 3:  Develop a plan based on your hormone test results, establishing a one-year or more outlook.
    • Keep logs of your intakes, and daily routines related to your hormone test results.

  • Step 4:  After 6-12 months of actively working on your plan, take the same test again to determine your progress.

“It is when we are in transition that we are most completely alive.”
William Bridges

The truth is that when we step out of our comfort zone, we unlock a world of possibilities. Continue to take steps towards a healthier, more vibrant life. Have the courage to challenge yourself and explore new paths. While the journey toward health and wellness may not always be easy, it will be worth it. Our excitement is palpable as we embark on this journey with you.

We want to assure you that we are here to provide the support you need to achieve success. Don't hesitate to let us know what's working well for you and where you require additional assistance. It's an honor to be accompanying you on this path, and we raise a glass to the opportunities and transitions as we open to the amazing potential that lies ahead!

The Canary Club Team

Setting up a Health Balance Coach Fullscript for obtaining supplements at a discount

Do you buy supplements?  Act now and get an automatic 15% discount on over 20,000+ health products.

Canary Club has recently partnered with Health Balance Coach to offer you professional-grade supplements. 

To gain access to professional-grade supplements, create your account with Health Balance Coach (HBC) at Fullscript.